Cold Weather While the World Warms?
Climate Change Canard: How can it be so cold if the earth is getting warmer?
Following the senator’s announcement that she was running for president, President Trump tweeted: “Amy Klobuchar...talking proudly of fighting global warming while standing in a virtual blizzard of snow, ice and freezing temperatures. Bad timing. By the end of her speech she looked like a Snowman (woman)!” This commonly repeated canard, a particular favorite of the president, demonstrates ignorance of the issue of climate change.
As we describe in our Climate Change Research and as this NY Times article posted this morning by Axios explains, global warming is an average phenomenon; it does not mean that there will be no cold days. In fact, global warming also results in greater climate volatility, meaning that there will be an increasing frequency of historically large storms, storm surge records, and “dreaded polar vortex” cold spells.